Hollywoods 'Black List', a list of the best unproduced script, is out now.....click on 'Read More'.
Think-Shoot-Distribute contributor list
Report on Think-Shoot-Distribute
Congratulations to Ignition Films
Think Shoot Distribute at the London Film Festival
A plug for brand designer of Wingbeat Pictures - www.bottlerocketltd.com
This is a shameless plug for the designer who created the logo and brand identity for Wingbeat Pictures. I am really chuffed with the work Tim Allan at Bottle Rocket Ltd did, he exceeded my expectations and more. He is a great guy to work and I hope we will get the chance to collaborate again though this time in the online drama world. To find out more about Tim and to contact him you can go to his site, plus you can find more about the Wingbeat project from Tim's perspective on his blog.
Silicon Valley gives its opinion on 'The Social Network' courtesy of www.npr.org
Articles and reviews are awash in the media at the moment about the soon to be released 'The Social Network' - the film about the creation of Facebook written by Aaron Sorkin of West Wing fame and directed by David Fincher (Fight Club). But the website www.npr.org has published an article and released an mp3 that interviews different entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley to get their opinion on the film.
So without further ado....
Power to the Pixel 2010
I was recommended this event that takes place during the London Film Festival. It is called 'Power to the Pixel' and focus on creating cross media platforms and finding new innovative ways to produce, finance and market films. You can sign up for the forum which takes place at the BFI on the 12th & 13th October.
Great micro budget resource
The China Syndrome
Wingbeat Pictures blog
Hello and welcome to the hub of Wingbeat Pictures. Wingbeat is a film, internet and brand drama production company. You can read more on the About page. This is where I will be posting latest news from the company, blog entries about story and any useful information for film makers. You can also follow Wingbeat on Twitter @JimmyLev and Facebook (Jimmy Levison). I hope you enjoy!